Everything to know about Fabric and Textiles

Definition of Buckram

US English version

Fibre: Cotton, some in linen, synthetics.

Weave: Plain

Characteristics: Cheap, low-textured, loose weave, very heavily sized and stiff. Also, 2 fabrics are glued together; one is open weave and the other much finer. Some is also made in linen in a single fabric. Also called crinoline book muslin or book binding. Softens with heat. Can be shaped while warm.

Uses: Used for interlinings and all kinds of stiffening in clothes, book binding, and for millinery (because it can be moistened and shaped). Used to give stiffness to leather garments not as stiff and often coloured is called "tarlatan".

Derivation: From Bukhara a city in west Asia from whence the cloth was exported.

Definition of Buckram

UK English version

Fiber: Cotton, some in linen, synthetics.

Weave: Plain

Characteristics: Cheap, low-textured, loose weave, very heavily sized and stiff. Also, 2 fabrics are glued together; one is open weave and the other much finer. Some is also made in linen in a single fabric. Also called crinoline book muslin or book binding. Softens with heat. Can be shaped while warm.

Uses: Used for interlinings and all kinds of stiffening in clothes, book binding, and for millinery (because it can be moistened and shaped). Used to give stiffness to leather garments not as stiff and often colored is called "tarlatan".

Derivation: From Bukhara a city in west Asia from whence the cloth was exported.