Everything to know about Fabric and Textiles

Definition of Chamois Cloth

US English version

Fibre: Cotton

Weave: Plain Characteristics Fabric is napped, sheared, and dyed to simulate chamois leather. It is stiffer than kasha and thicker, softer and more durable than flannelette. Must be designated as "cotton chamoise-colour cloth".

Uses: Dusters, interlining, storage bags for articles to prevent scratching.


Definition of Chamois Cloth

UK English version

Fiber: Cotton

Weave: Plain Characteristics Fabric is napped, sheared, and dyed to simulate chamois leather. It is stiffer than kasha and thicker, softer and more durable than flannelette. Must be designated as "cotton chamois-color cloth".

Uses: Dusters, interlining, storage bags for articles to prevent scratching.


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