Everything to know about Fabric and Textiles

Definition of Faconne

US English version

Fibre: Silk or rayon.

Weave: Figured weave or "burnt-out" finish.

Characteristics: Faconne in French, means fancy weave. Has small designs all over the fabric. Fairly light in weight, and could be slightly Crêped. Background is much more sheer than the designs, therefore the designs seem to stand out. Very effective when worn over a different colour. Drapes, handle, and wears well.

Uses: Dresses, blouses, scarves, after 5, dressy afternoon and bridal wear.


Definition of Faconne

UK English version

Fiber: Silk or rayon.

Weave: Figured weave or "burnt-out" finish.

Characteristics: Faconne in French, means fancy weave. Has small designs all over the fabric. Fairly light in weight, and could be slightly Crêped. Background is much more sheer than the designs, therefore the designs seem to stand out. Very effective when worn over a different color. Drapes, handle, and wears well.

Uses: Dresses, blouses, scarves, after 5, dressy afternoon and bridal wear.
