Everything to know about Fabric and Textiles

Definition of Flannel

US English version

Fibre: Wool, worsted, cotton, rayon. 1 a a kind of woven woollen fabric, usu. without a nap. b (in pl.) flannel garments, esp. trousers. 2 Brit. a small usu. towelling cloth, used for washing oneself.

Derivation: perhaps from Welsh gwlanen, from gwl³n ‘wool’

Definition of Flannel

UK English version

Fiber: Wool, worsted, cotton, rayon. 1 a kind of woven woolen fabric, usu. without a nap. b (in pl.) flannel garments, esp. trousers. 2 Brit. a small usu. toweling cloth, used for washing oneself.

Derivation: perhaps from Welsh gwlanen, from gwl³n ‘wool’

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