Everything to know about Fabric and Textiles

Definition of Lawn

US English version

Fibre: Cotton

Weave: Plain

Characteristics: A fine linen or cotton fabric used for clothes. Word derived from Laon, a city in France, where linen lawn was manufactured extensively. Light weight, sheer, soft, washable. It is crispier than Voilé but not as crisp as organdy. Made with fine high count yarns, silky feel. Made with either carded or combed yarns. Comes in white or may be dyed or printed. When made with combed yarns with a soft feel and slight lustre it is called nainsook.

Uses: Underwear, dresses, blouses, night wear, curtains, lingerie, collars, cuffs, infant wear, shirtings, handkerchiefs.

Derivation: Middle English, probably from Laon, a city in France important for linen manufacture

Definition of Lawn

UK English version

Fiber: Cotton

Weave: Plain

Characteristics: A fine linen or cotton fabric used for clothes. Word derived from Laon, a city in France, where linen lawn was manufactured extensively. Light weight, sheer, soft, washable. It is crispier than Voilé but not as crisp as organdy. Made with fine high count yarns, silky feel. Made with either carded or combed yarns. Comes in white or may be dyed or printed. When made with combed yarns with a soft feel and slight luster it is called nainsook.

Uses: Underwear, dresses, blouses, night wear, curtains, lingerie, collars, cuffs, infant wear, shirtings, handkerchiefs.

Derivation: Middle English, probably from Laon, a city in France important for linen manufacture