Everything to know about Fabric and Textiles

Definition of Sunn

US English version

This bast fibre is obtained from the Crotalaria juncea plant. The fibres grow from 4 to 5 feet long and are retted and prepared like other bast fibres. Sunn contains over 80% cellulose and is highly resistant to moisture and mildew. This fibre is mainly produced in India although small amounts are grown in Uganda. It is mainly used for cordage, rug yarns, and paper. In India it is also used for fish nets and is sometimes used as a substitute for jute in bagging cloths.


Definition of Sunn

UK English version

This bast fiber is obtained from the Crotalaria juncea plant. The fibers grow from 4 to 5 feet long and are retted and prepared like other bast fibers. Sunn contains over 80% cellulose and is highly resistant to moisture and mildew. This fiber is mainly produced in India although small amounts are grown in Uganda. It is mainly used for cordage, rug yarns, and paper. In India it is also used for fish nets and is sometimes used as a substitute for jute in bagging cloths.


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