Everything to know about Fabric and Textiles

Definition of Urena

US English version

This bast fibre comes from the Urena lobata plant. In its wild state it grows 3 to 7 feet high and when cultivated can grow as tall as 13 feet. The fibre strands are cream coloured and have a wonderful lustre. This fibre is mainly grown in the Congo area although small amounts are also raised in Brazil, India and the Philippines. Urena has the same uses as jute.


Definition of Urena

UK English version

This bast fiber comes from the Urena lobata plant. In its wild state it grows 3 to 7 feet high and when cultivated can grow as tall as 13 feet. The fiber strands are cream colored and have a wonderful luster. This fiber is mainly grown in the Congo area although small amounts are also raised in Brazil, India and the Philippines. Urena has the same uses as jute.


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