Everything to know about Fabric and Textiles

Definition of Wool Jersey

US English version

Fibre: Wool, worsted, silk, cotton, rayon, and synthetics.

Weave: Knitted on circular, flat-bed or warp knitted methods (later popular as a tricot-knit).

Characteristics: Right side has lengthwise ribs (wales) and wrong side has crosswise ribs (courses). Very elastic with good draping qualities. Has special crease-resistant qualities due to its construction. Is knitted plain or has many elaborate tweed designs and fancy motifs as well as printed designs. Can look very much like woven fabric. Wears very well and if washable, it washes very well. First made on the Island on Jersey off the English coast and used for fisherman's clothing. Stretch as you sew.

Uses: Dress goods, sportswear, suits, underwear, coats, gloves, sweaters, hats.


Definition of Wool Jersey

UK English version

Fiber: Wool, worsted, silk, cotton, rayon, and synthetics.

Weave: Knitted on circular, flat-bed or warp knitted methods (later popular as a tricot-knit).

Characteristics: Right side has lengthwise ribs (Wales) and wrong side has crosswise ribs (courses). Very elastic with good draping qualities. Has special crease-resistant qualities due to its construction. Is knitted plain or has many elaborate tweed designs and fancy motifs as well as printed designs. Can look very much like woven fabric. Wears very well and if washable, it washes very well. First made on the Island on Jersey off the English coast and used for fisherman's clothing. Stretch as you sew.

Uses: Dress goods, sportswear, suits, underwear, coats, gloves, sweaters, hats.


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